Team SqBx would like to show our customers more SqBx love this February with our latest release! SqBx constantly strives to offer best in class functionality to all of our package tracking, shipping, asset tracking, and portal users. This release hosts several sweet delivery updates to your SqBx experience detailed below. We want to thank you, all our SqBx customers, for your feedback which leads us to improve SqBx with every update. Thank you!
Routing on Android updates:
Many of our SqBx customers have set delivery routes for their daily package deliveries. The SqBx routing mechanism offers user the ability to view packages that need to be delivered at each stop on the route. Prior to this release, the tracking number displayed in routing mechanism was the carrier tracking number. This release allows an administrator to update a system wide setting that displays the internal tracking number instead of the carrier tracking number. If your organization creates labels or receives a large volume of packages where an internal delivery label is created, contact our support team for instructions on turning this feature on.
Label Delivery Enhancements:
Some SqBx customers print a custom delivery label for packages to assist with sorting and routing. This custom label often has its own barcode and other SqBx customer specific information that is important to your organizational needs. We have updated the delivery mechanism so that regardless of whether your delivery personnel scans your custom label or the carrier label both will provide you with the result of a successfully delivered package with all pertinent package details.
Carrier Service Level Updates:
When a carrier barcode is scanned, SqBx will auto-populate carrier and service level to speed up your receiving process. Service levels show on the receipt details page in SqBx. Modifications were made during this release to ensure that the carrier service level always displays with the package record for all statuses, including custom statuses.
Email Enhancements:
SqBx offers an advanced custom status management tool that allows communication events, such as email and SMS, to be created and sent on autopilot based on a package status. This tool has always set SqBx apart from other package tracking solutions, as SqBx permits different types of emails/SMS to be sent to different types of recipients. For example, you may want to send a different message to a faculty member versus an email notice you send a student at a college campus. SqBx has always allowed for different emails to different types of users, senders, the SqBx user, or to a set email address. This useful tool has been enhanced to allow emails to be sent to the originator of an interoffice or ship request in the SqBx portal as well as the deliver to name for interoffice and ship requests. If you need traceability from desk to desk or for your pickups in your organization, the SqBx portal is an excellent add on to your SqBx experience. Contact our sales team today to learn more.
Ad hoc reporting update:
The SqBx find package screen allows administrators and reporting level SqBx users the ability to create custom reports based on 1 or more variables. These reports can even be saved by the reporting user for fast future use as a personal custom dashboard report. One of the fields that you can report against is the carrier field. Many organizations create their own custom carriers in addition to the standard carriers such as FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc. This works well for organizations that receive deliveries from local, regional, or private carriers and couriers. The carrier field was updated so that reporting against all carriers, or an individual custom carrier, will display results for that particular customer carrier.
Commercial Android:
The SqBx team believes in being ahead of the curve when it comes to mobile technology and mobile device options. We migrated to commercial Android devices over 3 years ago, as Windows Mobile 6.5 was reaching end of its support life cycle from Microsoft. SqBx offers a variety of rugged commercial Android devices such as the JANAM XT2, Zebra TC70, Zebra TC75, and Zebra MC67. These devices all offer image capture right from your SqBx receive screen, which helps to document damage or other business specific image required for your workflow. We are pleased to announce that the camera icon works on all our commercial and consumer devices for our customers seeking image capture.
We always welcome feedback, suggestions, and concerns regarding our tracking system solutions. We love to hear from you! Call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST at 1-800-268-6296. For additional questions outside of business hours, email us at Stay tuned for more exciting release to your tracking software.
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